Monday, September 23, 2013

Alex Webb Photography

Alex Webb is an American-born photographer who has been member of Magnum Agency since 1979. He defines himself as a street photographer. The picture here is the one I mostly prefer in his collection. The picture has rule of third composition techniques to make it more appropriate with the background. There are two subjects in this picture. World trade center collapse and the mother with a child. The picture represents so many massages. There are hundreds of people who died after the attack. Also there are innocent kids who lost their children and parents after 9/11. The child doesn't know about anything that has happened in the outside but he was crying after the distraction. A mother is trying to hide the pain in front of her child pretending that there was no such a big thing happened in the outside. The picture seems an impressive one to me and it delivers a great massage to the society. 

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