Monday, September 23, 2013

Alex Webb Photography

Alex Webb is an American-born photographer who has been member of Magnum Agency since 1979. He defines himself as a street photographer. The picture here is the one I mostly prefer in his collection. The picture has rule of third composition techniques to make it more appropriate with the background. There are two subjects in this picture. World trade center collapse and the mother with a child. The picture represents so many massages. There are hundreds of people who died after the attack. Also there are innocent kids who lost their children and parents after 9/11. The child doesn't know about anything that has happened in the outside but he was crying after the distraction. A mother is trying to hide the pain in front of her child pretending that there was no such a big thing happened in the outside. The picture seems an impressive one to me and it delivers a great massage to the society. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Henri Cartier-Bresson Photography

Henri Cartier-Bresson was a French photographer considered to be the father of modern photojournalism. The picture here seems to me like an inspiring one. It is more focused about the massage that the picture gives. At the same time, it has a good composition technique. the picture seems well focused on the people in the front. He was more considered about taking out irrelevant objects from the picture and cropped it well. Apart from the main focus, the background is well subjectively taken for the picture and it seems more appropriate here.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Based on my understanding about the picture, the picture has an  interesting angle of view. it is a wide angle of view to avoid other subjects from the main subject which is the kid in the middle. I believe the photographer has used abstract objectives like the road to represent that the life is long and the kid has to walk a long distance to be successful in the future. Also the picture has cropped to a certain size to avoid unnecessary  objectives.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Veteran Returns Home

I was going through some pictures on the internet and i suddenly found this one and it reminds me the troupes in my country Sri Lanka. The picture tells you how much the war can affect for these little kids. Some times they miss them a lot and sometimes lose their parents forever.

Talking about the photographer, he used nice way of composing the picture with the colors in the background. The photographer was more forced about the kid and the post she has on her hand. because of that the background seems blurred an it makes to realize the massage of the picture so well.